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The Promotion Process Demystified

I know you're all interested in the promotion process as I've heard from you. I want to walk you through it. I'm Christina DelliSanti-Miller of Full Potential Realized.com and I help women to build careers they love by driving their own development.

So let me tell you a little bit about my background. I worked for 20 years in corporate in Fortune 100 companies, responsible for Talent Management or Diversity & Inclusion or Leadership Development and Succession Planning.

I spent a lot of time with executives behind closed doors talking about their people challenges and helping them to build leadership teams that were high-performing and balanced. And sometimes we got to the balanced part, but sometimes we're “still working on that”…

 And so I was thinking about what we could we be doing - I mean I thought about this all the time - what could we be doing to support more women and people of color to push through to senior leadership levels.

 I conducted a research study, interviewed some executives and HR people about what really happens when successful women or people of color get through the process: what do they do? And also people who are promising but don't get it through the process, what happens in those cases?

And I synthesized all those interviews and I built a process, mostly for coaching executives, but now I'm working on a course - a digital course - I'm going to deliver it the next few weeks, so stay tuned - about what steps to take in the short term and in the medium term and even in the long term to build a platform for your career where you're positioned as high-performing, high potential and promotable.

I want to share a couple steps and I have a resource for you - it's a freebie: fullpotentialrealized.com/positioning and it's a checklist. So what are the first things you should be thinking about... it's maybe ten things. If you think about building this platform, how should you be engaging with your manager, what do you need to be looking at, what are the practices that you can start to put in place to set you up successfully.

And if you check out my blog there's more insights about some of the steps. And as I said in the in the course I'm going to be laying out the whole eight step process. Pretty soon! We're almost done piloting it.

 If you're interested in the checklist, fullpotentialrealized.com/positioning

Because “positioning” is not the same thing as “being”. You could have all the stuff but part of it is does everybody know - does everybody who needs to know know?


50% Complete

Two Step

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