About Blog Briefing: Thriving Above the Maverick Inflection Point Login


How I help smart, courageous women build careers they love

I’m walking home from the bus.  I realize I’m about to do something radical. I’m going to leave my cushy change consultant job and start a non-profit. I want to do something that makes a real difference for women. I need to, and now. “I have no idea what I’m doing” I tell my husband, “but don’t worry, I’ll figure it out.”

You know how you always read these walk-away stories where people leave their corporate 9 to 5 and stumble into humongous success and change the world? This is not one of those stories. I did start the non-profit though, and based on what the women who went through our programs have told me, we did have an impact. And it was an amazing, life-changing adventure.

What I got out of it was that I love working with women and helping them to step boldly into their future. And I have something valuable to offer them. All these years later, this possibility still lights me up.

How my work experience informs...

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