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Getting Promoted Essentials: How to Get Your Managerā€™s Support

Let's say you're working on getting promoted or somehow taking your career to the next level, but you're not sure if you have your manager's support.

Here are three things you can do to make sure that you're aligned and that s/he is fully behind you. These are relevant for getting great support in a promotion process or in moving your career forward, whether it's winning a new role, taking on more complexity, responsibilities, taking on managing a team, or even upping your game and your compensation in your current role.

High level: the first one is check in on your current performance, second one is to get into the right mindset to negotiate your next step forward, and the third is to make a forward movement plan together with your manager.

More detail: the best place to start is to check in about your current performance. You want to make sure that before you have any conversations about moving forward that your manager and your stakeholders are satisfied with the performance...

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