About Blog Briefing: Thriving Above the Maverick Inflection Point Login


How to use a disastrous experience to your advantage, or how I learned to lead a team

It’s about 2001 and I’m facilitating a Diversity Council session at a big New York bank. About 30 of us meet monthly to plan and execute initiatives that will drive our our part of the company to be more inclusive and diverse, and better able to leverage that diversity on behalf of the business. I love this team and this is one of my favorite roles.

Sonia asks if she can present a volunteer opportunity to the team. She introduces a non-profit, Unlocking Futures, that supports at-risk youth in the poorest communities to overcome challenges presented by their environment and lead a life of their choosing. They have demonstrated impressive results.

They are holding a bowl-a-thon fundraiser and looking for captains to recruit and lead a team that will raise the funds to put one young person through their proven, effective and inspiring program.

Two senior executives volunteer, as do I. They each assemble a huge team from their department and spare no expense to outfit...

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