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Why you might not be learning in college the thing that you need most for your career

College is amazing. You learn great stuff. Yet they don’t teach you one of the most important things to get you ready for your career. The thing that would make an easily crossable bridge to your first job and to each role after that. Any guesses as to what it is?

I’m going to go out on a limb and assert that while the world of work has changed dramatically since I graduated from college, the way college prepares you for that world has not. And because the pace of change has accelerated almost beyond comprehension, mastering the art of experiential learning  - or learning by doing - might be the most important thing you could do in college. Over time, I’m going to show you exactly how to do just that. For now, let’s explore this idea and test it out.

As an undergraduate, for me it was mostly idea learning -- about concepts and stories that had been articulated by others in the past. Don’t get me wrong, this is a beautiful and important...

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