Position Yourself
For A Promotion








Position Yourself For A Promotion



You’re ready for more.

Clearly you had to be a bit of maverick to make it to where you are in a STEM or Financial career 

Often the only woman in the room.

You had to navigate using your own internal GPS, and that got you way farther than you would have gotten if you listened to everyone else. Overcoming the pushback you got required you to rely on your own way of making sense of things, your technical prowess, and the confidence derived from that powerful skillset 

And now you’re at that point - The Maverick Inflection Point -
where you’re ready to continue to grow and thrive at work,
even if it means shifting gears a bit

You’re ready to take that smarts, will, and bravery and apply it new ways of operating 
To broaden your influence and demonstrate your viability as a next-level leader 

You don’t want to chuck the maverick. Nor should you.

While most career coaches teach women to build their leadership skills to elevate their career trajectory, there’s a piece of the puzzle that’s often missing.


We add that critical component that allows you to leverage those leadership skills to transcend and thrive beyond the Maverick Inflection Point.

We've that senior women in STEM and Financial careers have a way of managing their careers that differs from most other hard-working, talented, less senior players.

We’re here to help you bring forward your most powerful, authentic leadership energy as you take the strategic actions that distinguish the savvy and provide access to and success in senior-level roles.


Differentiator Based Advantage

Take the Catbird Seat View to Deliver Mutually Relevant Outcomes

Use your maverick abilities to navigate strategically and position your development as a trustworthy investment.

Position Yourself as the Solution by Embodying Your Leadership

Fully own your leadership energy and present your leadership attributes first so that you’re the most obvious candidate.

Incorporate Strategic Career Management Practices

Leverage the actions that create challenging, exciting high-level, and high-impact careers, so you do the things that make a difference for your advancement.


I'm Christina DelliSanti-Miller


I help women in Financial and STEM careers make the empowerment pivot that helps them transcend the Maverick Inflection Point, and thrive in senior-level roles.


The Secrets To Having Career Decision-Makers Say YES To You

So You Can Thrive Beyond The Maverick Inflection Point As A Driven Woman In STEM or Financial Careers Looking To Strategically Position Themselves For A Promotion

You're safe with me. I'll never spam you or sell your contact info.

 Latest Articles

Getting Promoted Essentials: Performance Image and Exposure

Apr 21, 2022


Engage Career
Decision Makers in Saying YES




Sound like you?


You had to be pretty independent, smart, resilient, strong, and brave to get to where
you already are in a non-traditional career.

Yet you’ve realized to continue making progress in your career something needs to shift

It has something to do with moving your main focus on technical skills to
broadening your perspective to include what leaders are dealing with, and focus more on
relationships and influence 



  • I want to make sure I rally my confidence and poise to land in a next role that delights me, and feel a supportive like-minded community would help me do that 

  • I’m eager to hear what others are dealing with and how they’re navigating  
  • I thought I was right for a great open role and they gave it to someone else
  • I’m not clear which actions move the needle to advance my career and might be spending too much time working on things that don’t 

  • I know what career advancing actions to take but I don’t feel confident or comfortable taking them


  1:1 Consulting

  • I’d really like some 1:1 attention with specific solutions curated for me to dive deep into resolving obstacles and generating forward momentum with 
  • I am ready for a promotion and want to make sure I’m doing everything I can to secure it  

  • I’m not clear which actions move the needle to advance my career are most important and that I’m implementing them effectively   

  • Key decision makers are not familiar enough with me and my work to be willing to speak up for me when opportunities are being discussed 
  • I’m ready to build my strategic influence and relationships so that I can take my technical capabilities into a more senior leadership role

 The root cause of the problem ultimately is a marginalization cycle where women’s authority is eroded by organizations operating mainly with male-based norms that may devalue women. That authority is further eroded when the women then internalizing those one-down messages and showing up less empowered. Which creates a vicious cycle 

My solution gets at dismantling the authority erosion dynamics that are brought on by the marginalization cycle through two main pieces:

The Empowerment Pivot and the Differentiator Based Advantage

The Empowerment Pivot is a four-step approach that encourages women to recognize and acknowledge when authority erosion dynamics are at play, reclaim their power and choose to act in an empowered way in the context of that situation.


The Differentiator Based Advantage is a set of concrete practices based on the things that distinguish women who have transcended the Maverick Inflection 

Point and operate beyond it successfully.

Combining these two mechanisms has women take the strategic actions to navigate the organization effectively while standing in their most empowered stance.

 Because the tools provide access to new more effective ways of showing up.

My solution is different because


A safe facilitated with care community for women to explore their experiences and learn together provides an opportunity to validate your notions, recognize patterns and see yourself in another- in the challenges and in the progress- and provides camaraderie and inspiration to take get outside your comfort zone to take better aligned actions to your career vision.


By getting into detail together in the context of your immediate work situation, we can uncover key needs and use the relevant tools  - curated for you personally- and precisely - to resolve obstacles, create or leverage new opportunities, and get comfortable operating consistently at that next level 

Presumably, you want to reap the rewards of your hard work. To be respected and sought after for what you bring to the table, by colleagues at all levels, and to be rewarded accordingly.

 I’ll share the exact process we follow in order to strategically position you for promotion, so that you can confidently show up as top talent and thrive - in this role, as well as in your next big job.

 It's the same Differentiator-Based Advantage system that has my clients producing results like multiple dream-job offers, dramatically increasing their pay, and winning promotions to senior level roles, including Managing Director.

 It's the process that distinguishes you from your peers by honing your confident strategic presence, shifting your emphasis from pure efforting to savvy navigating, and amplifying your influence as you connect with impact. 

You will see how my exclusive clients are doing the same,
and how you can do it too.

Taking these key steps while inhabiting your most confident leadership presence positions you well as the high-performing, high-potential, and promotable candidate in the eyes of key decision makers. 

 You’ll implement a customized strategic and practical career plan that differentiates you from your peers, addresses the visible and invisible barriers to your progress, and sets you on a clear, concrete path to greater and more sustainable success. 

 This system consistently maximizes your current effectiveness while making you a great candidate for next level roles. That engenders confidence, trust, and facilitates investment in your development for continued progress.

 Here's the thing. Leadership and career development courses typically focus on helping you embody the attributes of a leader, so that you can stand out, influence, and generate key results. 

 However, while those things are crucial, they are not sufficient. They leave out a key piece of the puzzle.

 They don’t give you a concrete roadmap to strategically manage your career – to get to where you want to go and to stay on track once you’ve arrived there. 

What will really close that remaining gap is a system based on those practices that
DIFFERENTIATE the select few women in competitive industries who have risen to,
and are thriving in, their senior level roles. 

In a context where most everyone is smart, talented and hardworking, those DIFFERENTIATOR practices make the difference between the standard
and the elite trajectory.

 You achieve your optimal results when you have both elements working in concert: showing up powerfully owning your leadership, and leveraging that confident energy as you take the actions that actually move your career forward – what we call creating the

Listen, I get you… 


I’ve worked there – navigating my own career while managing functions that
were about growing everyone else’s career

As a first-generation corporate employee with an immigrant parent, I was not raised with the kind of insider knowledge that had my way of behaving naturally align with what was expected of me in corporate settings.

This made me stand out, in some good ways. And in some not so good ways.

Without an established roadmap to follow and after some debilitating trial and error, as well as some gratifying successes, I wanted to clarify for all of us what would actually work.

Leveraging what I learned from my earlier research, I investigated the differentiators of successful senior Investment Banking women.

Developed a repeatable, concrete, step-by-step set of career management practices that supports women to enjoy success at the level and in the role they want.

I intend to share it broadly to support individual women have the careers they
want and have earned.  

And support organizations to foster environments where definitive progress can be made in representation and inclusion at all levels.

 Researching success differentiators and forming them into a repeatable process…

 Helped me get promoted (Finally!)

Solved mysteries about corporate progress my younger self would have very much liked to understand
Most importantly provides indescribable gratification when my participants call to tell me
“I got the job.” Or text to say

“I just got promoted to MD. Thanks”



We build your promotion-ready platform using a repeatable, step-by-step process that positions you as the effective steward of your career, equipped to transcend the Maverick Inflection Point and thrive beyond it.


Shift from the typical deliverables- focused career management mindset to a leader’s view

to addresses the visible and invisible barriers to your progress and set yourself on a clear, sustainable path senior level roles

Inhabit your most confident leadership presence

 to present yourself and your work as the solution leaders ready to invest in talent are looking for

Differentiate yourself from your peers using proven practices

that allow for enhanced strategic navigation

The Program


Phase 1


The first phase, Foundation, is about setting yourself up for success by marshalling the resources to manage your mindset, support, and time for the practices that strategically elevate your career. 

It’s about alignment with self, and about sustainability - not only to get you where you want to go, but to keep you on track when you get there as well.

It’s about implementing tools that allow you to show up confidently - consistently and resiliently.

Here you’re pivoting from mindsets that don't serve you to get unstuck and feel inspired to handle whatever is needed to have it happen for you.


Clarify and focus on the things that move the needle inside the relevant success model

Build your safety net of champions to customize your implementation to resonate in your environment

Show up in your power consistently to gain greater career traction with the same investment of energy

Phase 2


Alignment is about ensuring that you're perceived as demonstrating and transmitting mastery of the skills, relationships and outputs in the current role. 

Together, we’ll get crystal clear about what’s going on for you right now - what’s working well, and what can be enhanced to make sure your current performance, image and exposure are the most effective springboard for what you want to do next. 

Here we’re supporting you to confidently have the catalyzing conversations and integrate the elevated career practices in a way that doesn’t feel forced or inauthentic -- so that you can be clear that you’re perceived as demonstrating mastery in your current role.



Align your focus with that of your manager and key stakeholders

Fine tune your reputation to set yourself up well for future roles

Uncover your company’s promotion process so you can navigate to your advantage


Phase 3


The Engagement phase is about ensuring alignment with your desired future level and role. 

It’s looking at your target state, understanding what are the required attributes, skills, experiences, and how do I package what I already have and build what I need to make it clear that I am a great match. 

It’s engaging the right supporters to help you make your aspiration a reality - without it being uncomfortable or weird.

Here we’re continuing to refine and implement a customized plan to build on your strengths and address any strategic opportunities.


Others advocate for you when you're not in the room where career making decisions are being made

Opportunities come to you

You feel a greater sense of belonging by being more authentically connected


   Phase 4


The Growth phase is about making a bridge between where you are now and where you want to be. And crossing it.

In the growth phase you’re embodying now how you want to be showing up in the future.

Given the dynamics of how men generally get promoted (on potential) and how women get promoted (on performance), the more you demonstrate that you are performing at the level of the next role, the easier it is for you to get taken up to that next level.

You’re minimizing the perceived risk for the decision makers.

This enables your growth into that next level role, ability to thrive there, and positions you for continued success.


Your routine has you deploy the highest impact actions in an hour or less each week

Your leadership reputation and contribution grows as you develop others

It becomes how you do business - so that you’re always building your career platform

What this means


I'm excited that my current role is an effective launchpad for what I want next.
I'm ready to address any blind spots I might have. I'm confident I will optimize this experience
and get everything possible out of being in this seat.

 I'm relieved to finally understand how my company's promotion process works
and have clarity on who are the key decision makers involved.

 I'm glad that I have a development plan tied to my next level role that's aligned to
the building the right skills, experiences or attributes to thrive in that role.

 I'm enthused about developing partnerships with possible sponsors and am setting the foundation I need to establish and grow those win-win

 Routinely doing my career management practices has become feasible. I have fit them into my way of doing business and they're producing results and gaining momentum.


I'm gaining the benefits of mentoring other people. I have a clear process to follow that ensures our conversations are creating value for them and me.

I'm pleased that my health and well-being are accounted for in my day-to-day routines. The things I need to be happy/healthy are non-negotiable.  

How do you feel that improving your strategic navigation of your organization/career will create significant impact on your progress? 

  • I want to improve my results by using both strategy and effort, not just effort
  • I want to thrive in a senior level role without burning out
  • I want to shape my professional narrative and achieve what I’m truly capable of
  •  I want to amplify my strategic influence
  • I want to optimize my compensation to reach financial freedom and/or lay the foundation for generational wealth
  • I want to feel supported by meaningful connections with my colleagues

Schedule your free 15 minute Strategic Career Consult

I do these free 15 minutes Strategic Career Consults

  • Where we talk about where your career is now
  • Where you want your career to be

And what are the factors at play in having that happen

The call does a few things for you.

I will provide you with clarity and concrete next steps. Curated from the differentiator based advantage approach. Given where you are now,

And what you want to accomplish in the next 12 to 18 months

To accelerate your advancement