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What it takes to have career decision makers say YES to you and your continued progress

Above the Maverick Inflection Point


Free Career Building Tools

Manage your career, not just your deliverables

Are you focused primarily on your deliverables and leaving the managing of your career to chance, hoping to be seen, heard and valued - and that your work will speak for itself? Have you felt that you wasted time and energy with misplaced efforts, frustrated with the pace and scope of your career progression, and even demoralized because you’re putting in so much hard work and it’s not reaping the kinds of rewards that you were hoping for? Are you relying on approaches that worked in the past (e.g., just work hard to maximize results) that might not generate the same kind of results today? Many corporate women struggle with these same questions.





Drive your own development

Here’s the thing.

Achieving your goals is often contingent on having someone who notices you, is willing to invest in your development and knows how to effectively support you to build your capabilities to move forward.

In companies, leadership at all levels is not yet proportionally diverse – and diversity and talent management processes, often subjective, are not yet closing the gap. Development plans are implemented inconsistently. That imbalance may have implications for your growth and advancement.

To have more say in your career growth, it makes sense for you to take charge of your own development. This is a way to avoid being stymied, uncertain, or isolated on your career journey


Build habits that deliver your dream career

Imagine the following:

Through the relationships you’ve built, your work is seen and leveraged. You feel included, valued, and acknowledged for what you bring to the table.

By embedding the strategic actions that will pay off into your routine in a seamless way, you’ve ensured that you optimize your career trajectory and get the best rewards without overloading your plate and creating overwhelm.

You have a sense of satisfaction with your work that contributes to an overall sense of well-being AND provides you with the resources you want for family, play and contribution.

You strategically build your skill and experience portfolio so that you can go for the roles you want and be well equipped to succeed when you get them.


Leverage the lessons of senior women

I spent the lion’s share of my career coaching top leaders and helping executives develop their people's capabilities.

I’ve supported hundreds of women to take their career to the next level - beyond what they thought was possible.

I care and I don’t want you to have the same struggles I did. I would love for the women coming after me to not have to make the same mistakes - to have the inside scoop on how to navigate more easily.

I want to share the lessons that I learned both from the successful senior women I interviewed and the executives who promoted them - to shorten your learning curve and to provide some relief from unnecessary self-doubt and career stress.

We can get it done. I've been through this, I've helped other women through this, and I’ll have your back.

You can absolutely do this.

Ready to differentiate yourself from your peers, address the visible and invisible barriers to your progress, and set yourself on a clear, concrete path to advancement?

If you want to move to another role, take on more responsibility, get promoted, or just accelerate your advancement, use my proven roadmap to strategically navigate your company's talent management and promotion processes. Because having a map is better than flying blind.


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